Issue #54


“How’s Your Transition Going?”

Content Warning: Mention of blood, gender dysphoria 

Pull the pearlescent pink muscle in my throat

stretch it far like salt water taffy

What flavor is it? You tell me.

Bubblegum? Ruby grapefruit? Mocha cappuccino?

Blood? Sweat? Tear it apart and you tell me.

All I can taste is testosterone and tender tonsillitis

violet vibrational violence and magenta melody memories—

“Yeah but, do you feel like a man?”

(Sick, half asleep, and ten years-old on the couch 

Dad would challenge me to drink as much orange juice as I could

then sit at the baby grand and ask me to sing

when I could push past the pulp

to hit that high C, he would draw

me a bath, the steam and bubbles clearing away the ache in my skin

but not the one in my head.)

Do you see the lump yet? Eve’s apple?

Sometimes I think I am finally choking 

down the core for good

but it’s just another hair stopped for a moment

before sliding all the way to my empty stomach.

So no, I don’t feel like Adam yet.
