- 2024-2025 -


Summer Barnett

Editor in Chief

Being A Poet is something that happened to Summer Barnett a long time ago and has not yet stopped happening since. In the work she admires, as well as her own poetry, she is always finding herself returning to the merging-places between poetry and prayer. She is an aspiring luddite, a perpetual amateur, and a great lover of werewolves. She cannot remember how to do long division and is secretly very afraid this will cause a horrible humiliation to befall her someday.

Office hours: Tues 1:00-2:00 in HU 254

Contact by email at


Morgan Brothers

Fiction Editor

Morgan is a writer, visual artist, and senior creative writing major who believes fiction is one of the most honest things we can do. She admires stories that are wonderfully absurd, wildly specific, and rooted deep within the human heart. Morgan enjoys (ironically) reality TV, loitering in the Bellingham Public Library, movies with Steve Buscemi in them, and considering invisible things.

Office Hours: Tues/Thurs 12:00-1:00 in HU 254


Adele Johnston

Poetry Editor

Adele is a creative writer, linguist, and photographer pursuing an interdisciplinary education at Fairhaven College. Influenced by religious mysticism, stream-of-consciousness writing, the ecology of the Salish Sea, and two millennia of poetry, her work currently revolves mainly around henosis, empire, whispers, hidden places, and plate tectonics. She is usually somewhat lost in Henderson’s, Eclipse, or the Arb.

Office hours: Tuesdays 3:00-4:00 over Zoom


Spencer McNamara

Nonfiction Editor

Spencer is a junior majoring in creative writing. She loves reading witchy fiction, Southern family memoirs, and volcanic poetry. In her own work, she's inspired by Tennessee thunderstorms, nautilus shells, and curious girls in fairy tales. When she's not writing, she's usually baking chocolate chip cookies, looking for lighthouses in antique shops, or sitting by the sea. In the future, she wants to live in a Pati Bannister painting. 

Office Hours: Tues/Thurs 10:00 - 11:00 in HU 254


Adelle LaTour

Graphic Designer

Creativity is something that has always come easily to Adelle. With a wildly overactive imagination, art acts as an immensely therapeutic outlet for her fantastical ideas. Today, she is a senior, finishing out her last year working toward a BFA in Design. Often, you can find her escaping into fantasy books or listening to scary true crime podcasts, which then give her nightmares. She one day hopes to stumble upon a magical portal that will transport her away from this dull life and into one filled with fairies, dragons, and maybe even vampires.