Issue #54



A garden only grows properly when it is cared for with love

You dug a hole and started a life

You prayed over the corn and watered the cucumber

You sat on the porch by the wind chimes

Handing the deer apples

Naming each one of them

You harvested the crops and brought the animals inside in the winter

You lit a fire inside and fought it when it got too large

You told me about the lamb and the dog

Driving around in your truck

Eating ice cream

The cowboys rode their horses around the house in the spring

You set the table for those in need

You handed us all cotton candy at the fair

Watered the flowers in the yard

You jumped from planes and looked out the window with binoculars

You sat me down and told me about the sheep and the cat

You went to lunch at the church

Cleaned the stained glass

Pulled the carrots out by their stems

Calling us all to the window to watch

Squirrels climb up your apple tree

You sat with a book in the yard

You asked me if I had heard of the bull and the pup

Miracle had her third set of twins

You named them all

You worked in a smaller garden

You stopped driving the truck

You told us about the cow and the wolf

The garden turned to flowers

The trees turned to hedges

You swept the square

Danced to music

Asked me who I was

A garden only grows properly when it is cared for with


We prayed over you and got you a glass of water