Issue #54




Tegan Beard

china is full of / doorways (i think) and / hearts with teeth / marks in them and / when you stand / at the shore line the ocean / looks like one big rest stop / we’re always on / the way to / somewhere else always / striking matches on / our bones / they always snap / in half before we / catch fire but joke’s on them / we’re always on fire / or at least / it feels that way and / listen  there’s something truthful about / the way pollution / billows in beijing / the urge to leave a mark however you can / on days like this i run a comb through / my leg hair and watch the way it squirms / against my skin and i don’t have anything / beautiful to say about that but why do i / have to say something beautiful to begin with

china, tell me what to do with / all these doorways

Empty Space
