Issue #54




Theo O’Brien


 hello, it’s me, and her, and him, and them, and

our country wants to kill us,


do we make it through this?

do we make it through this?



1.4 million.

drag it out over the tongue,

roll it in the mouth,

just picture it

that’s how many of us

our country’s host- god help us all-

wants to erase, lock us all into binary cages and throw away the keys,

force us to act like “normal” people, if by “normal” you mean

white cisgender and heterosexual,

one wave of a magic wand and poof,

we’re gone, 

isn’t that how it works?

I never wanted to have to speak

 up to others about

who I am,

what I am,

why I am.

I never wanted to have to prove

my own existence,

that I am natural,

not a parasite leeching off this country,

not a robot-alien something,

not diseased, not crazy,

don’t need to be fixed, not broken.


877-565-8860, hello,

 it’s me, and her, and him, and them, and

we want to know

who will spit out the statistics,

voice choked with the names of the dead:


Monica Loera, 43,


Kendarie Johnson, 16,


Kayden Clarke, 24,


(after police responded to a call about suicidal behavior)

2016 is the deadliest year on record for transgender individuals.


Jamie Lee Wounded Arrow, 28,


Kenne McFadden, 27,


Ava Le’Ray Barren, 17,


2017 is the deadliest year on record for transgender individuals.


Viccky Gutierrez, 33,


Zakaria Fry, 28,


Vontashia Bell, 18,


and the 74 others who have joined them these past three years

(mostly trans women of color)

(and this year’s not over yet)

2018 (will be) the deadliest year on record for transgender individuals.


877-565-8860 hello,

it’s me, and her, and him, and them, and

did you know that according to a study

40% of trans adults have considered suicide?

did you know that 92% of those attempts

were before the age of 25?

and speaking of 25,

that’s 25 times the national average, did you know?


“these findings were startling,”

says a researcher.

to whom?

to the parents who threw their child away

because he was born she?

to the students who single out the different?

to the teachers who do nothing to stop it?

to all of those who don’t understand why

“Kill yourself”

should not be a mantra anyone hears?


877-565-8860, hello, it’s me, and her, and him, and them, and

we know you’re busy but please,

how do we fix this?

how do we get a new host

 how do we help

how do we summon the courage to fight

how do we walk down the street without shaking in our shoes

how do we live when our host has turned against us?


877-565-8860, hello, it’s us again,

how do we start a revolution?





A Study of Otherness