Letter From the Editor

59th Edition


I have written and deleted the beginning of this letter for a week now. I have watched the cursor blink on blank canvas for days, waiting for this fabled “Editor” to possess me and write something worthy of introducing you to the wonderful work I have had the privilege to read and share with you today. 

The question I have gotten most, under the September sun of the Info Fair, in class visits, and handing out books in the Viking Union, is: What is Jeopardy about? It was the question I asked myself when I first applied for this job, and certainly a question they asked me in my interview. It is a question that my editors and I strive every meeting to answer. 

What is Jeopardy about?

I came to Western at the height of the pandemic, when it was one to a dorm room and dozens of black squares on a screen every day for class. I wrote poetry when it rained and ate lunch with the small bubble of friends I had formed from my dorm. I melted ice cream in my mini-fridge freezer and I cried a lot. More than anything, I thought, I wish I could express these moments; I wish I could put them out into the world for someone to hear the echo and shout back. 

Two years later, I finally observed campus bloom. Spring in Bellingham is a timid process, and campus, like the cherry blossoms, took its time. But finally, I got to watch as Red Square was crowded with students; people, like robins, out on the grass when it got sunny. I savored coffee with classmates and saw people cry in the library, or sing in the arb. And I thought, finally. This is what Jeopardy is about. 

It’s about people, about connections, and sometimes losses. It's about community and finding a place where every moment can be expressed, where a feeling can be put out into the world and someone will hear and shout back, or sing back, or hug back. Reading through these pages, I hope you realize you are not alone, that you connect with the truths being laid before you and regard them with reverence. I hope you share them with your friends and family, and respond to them every day in your own way. 

Because that is what Jeopardy is all about. 


Caylee Caldwell


Editor-in-Chief, Jeopardy Magazine